fun Map(modifier: Modifier, visibleImages: List<ImageViewData>, visibleRegions: List<RegionViewData>, boundingBox: BoundingBoxViewData?, zoomCameraToFitImages: Boolean, onMoveFinished: () -> Unit, regionPressedAt: (index: Int) -> Unit, onVisibleMapAreaChangeTo: (LatLngBounds) -> Unit)
The Map component displays the map along with its images and regions. It also handles zooming to fit all images, detects region presses, and fires events for camera movement and visible map area changes.
the modifier used for the internal Box.
visible Images
the list of images currently visible in the map area.
visible Regions
the list of region data objects representing the visible regions.
bounding Box
the bounding box data used for zooming to fit images (see BoundingBoxViewData for details).
zoom Camera To Fit Images
a boolean indicating whether to zoom the map to fit all visible images.
on Move Finished
the event fired when the map camera finishes moving.
region Pressed At
the event fired when a region is pressed, passing the index of the pressed region.
on Visible Map Area Change To
the event fired when the visible map area changes (e.g., user gesture or zoom).