Package-level declarations
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The component responsible for maintaining and drawing all images that are currently visible on the map.
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fun Map(modifier: Modifier, visibleImages: List<ImageViewData>, visibleRegions: List<RegionViewData>, boundingBox: BoundingBoxViewData?, zoomCameraToFitImages: Boolean, onMoveFinished: () -> Unit, regionPressedAt: (index: Int) -> Unit, onVisibleMapAreaChangeTo: (LatLngBounds) -> Unit)
The Map component displays the map along with its images and regions. It also handles zooming to fit all images, detects region presses, and fires events for camera movement and visible map area changes.
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fun TopAppBarActionButton(iconResId: Int, description: String, enabled: Boolean = true, onPressed: () -> Unit)
Component responsible to display a button as icon.