Package-level declarations


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class AdministrativeUnitsViewModel @Inject constructor(administrativeUnitsRepository: AdministrativeUnitsRepository) : ViewModel

The AdministrativeUnitsViewModel is the point of connection between the Administrative Units screen and its Repository

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class AdministrativeUnitViewModel @Inject constructor(administrativeUnitRepository: AdministrativeUnitRepository) : ViewModel

The AdministrativeUnitViewModel is the point of connection between the Administrative Unit screen and its Repository

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class HomeViewModel @Inject constructor(homeRepository: HomeRepository) : ViewModel

The HomeViewModel is the point of connection between the Home screen and its Repository

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class RegionsAndImagesViewModel @Inject constructor(mapRepository: RegionsAndImagesRepository) : ViewModel

The RegionsAndImagesViewModel is the point of connection between the Regions and Images screen and its Repository

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class RegionsFromCartographicBoundaryViewModel @Inject constructor(regionsFromCartographicBoundaryRepository: RegionsFromCartographicBoundaryRepository) : ViewModel

The RegionsAndImagesViewModel is the point of connection between the Regions From Cartographic boundary screen and its Repository