Package-level declarations
Recursively iterates over all sub-administrative units within an AdministrativeUnit and creates a list of converted CartographicBoundaryViewData objects.
Converts a collection of AdministrativeLevel models into a list of AdministrativeLevelViewData view objects used to represent a list of administrative levels in the UI. Each AdministrativeLevel is converted to an AdministrativeLevelViewData object using its toAdministrativeUnitLevelViewData
method, which likely extracts relevant data for UI display.
Converts the AdministrativeLevel model into the view object AdministrativeLevelViewData used to represent administrative units in the UI.
Converts the AdministrativeUnit model into the view object AdministrativeUnitViewData used to represent administrative units in the UI.
Converts a collection of AdministrativeUnit models into a list of AdministrativeUnitViewData view objects used to represent a list of administrative units in the UI. Each AdministrativeUnit is converted to an AdministrativeUnitViewData object using its toAdministrativeUnitViewData
method, which likely extracts relevant data for UI display.
Converts the BoundingBoxViewData into BoundingBox.
Converts the BoundingBox model into the view object BoundingBoxViewData used to represent bounding boxes in the UI.
Converts the CartographicBoundary model into the view object CartographicBoundaryViewData used to represent cartographic boundaries in the UI.
Converts the GeoLocationViewData into GeoLocation.
Converts the GeoLocation model into the view object GeoLocationViewData used to represent geo locations in the UI.
Converts a collection of Image models into a list of ImageViewData view objects used to represent a list of images in the UI. Each Image is converted to an ImageViewData object using its toViewData
method, which likely extracts relevant data for UI display.
Converts the Polygon model into the view object PolygonViewData used to represent polygons in the UI.
Converts the Region model into the view object RegionViewData used to represent polygons in the UI.
Converts a collection of Region models into a list of RegionViewData view objects used to represent a list of regions in the UI. Each Region is converted to an RegionViewData object using its toRegionViewData
method, which likely extracts relevant data for UI display.
Converts the Image model into the view object ImageViewData used to represent images in the UI.