Package-level declarations
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The data necessary for displaying the AdministrativeLevel on the View.
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data class AdministrativeUnitViewData(val name: String, val administrativeLevel: AdministrativeLevelViewData, val cartographicBoundary: CartographicBoundaryViewData?, val subCartographicBoundaries: List<CartographicBoundaryViewData>, val images: List<ImageViewData>, val imagesBoundingBox: BoundingBoxViewData?)
The data necessary for displaying the AdministrativeUnit on the View.
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data class BoundingBoxViewData(val southwest: GeoLocationViewData, val northeast: GeoLocationViewData)
The data necessary for displaying a bounding box on the view. This information is primarily used for zoom purposes.
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data class CartographicBoundaryViewData(val administrativeUnitName: String, val regions: List<RegionViewData>, val boundingBox: BoundingBoxViewData, val center: GeoLocationViewData, val zIndex: Float)
The data necessary for displaying a cartographic boundary on the view.
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The data necessary for displaying the GeoLocationViewData on the View.
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data class ImageViewData(val uri: String, val byteArray: ByteArray, val date: String, val geoLocation: GeoLocationViewData)
The data necessary for displaying the Image on the View.
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The data necessary for displaying the Polygon on the View.
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data class RegionViewData(val polygon: PolygonViewData, val holes: List<PolygonViewData>, val active: Boolean = true, val boundingBox: BoundingBoxViewData, val center: GeoLocationViewData, val zIndex: Float)
The data necessary for displaying the Region on the View.