Package-level declarations


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fun AdministrativeUnitView(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, administrativeUnit: AdministrativeUnitViewData, mapUISettings: MapUiSettings = MapUiSettingsStatic(), areZoomControlsEnabled: Boolean = false, areImagesShowing: Boolean = true, areImagesSizeShowing: Boolean = true, areSubDivisionsShowing: Boolean = true, onPress: () -> Unit? = null)

The Component that visually shows the Administrative Unit.

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The component used to draw the Cartographic Boundary inside a Google Maps Component. It creates a Polygon component for each region.

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fun RegionDrawer(region: RegionViewData, onPressed: () -> Unit = {})

The component used to draw the Region inside a Google Maps Component. It creates a Polygon component. It can also, for debug purposes, draw the region's bounding box around it.

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fun ZoomControls(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, cameraPositionState: CameraPositionState, boundingBox: BoundingBoxViewData? = null, imagesBoundingBox: BoundingBoxViewData? = null, enabled: Boolean)

A column of Floting Action Buttons used for zoom controls in the map.