Package-level declarations


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fun AdministrativeLevelDropdown(administrativeLevels: List<AdministrativeLevelViewData>, currentAdministrativeLevel: AdministrativeLevelViewData, onDropdown: (index: Int) -> Unit)

The administrative levels dropdown used in the toolbar on Administrative Unit Screen.

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fun AdministrativeUnitsGrid(administrativeUnits: List<AdministrativeUnitViewData>, columnCount: Int, onAdministrativeUnitPressedAt: (index: Int) -> Unit)

The grid of administrative units. Each unit is displayed as a Google Maps component with its geographical outline (cartographic boundary) plotted, if available.

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fun ToolbarMenuItems(itemTitleIDs: List<Int>, onItemPressedAt: (index: Int) -> Unit)

A composable representing a menu with options displayed as a vertical ellipsis (...) button in the toolbar. When clicked, it expands to reveal a dropdown menu with options based on the provided string IDs.