Package-level declarations
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Represents the administrative level of an AdministrativeUnit, using a simplified format common in countries like the USA.
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data class AdministrativeUnit(val name: String, val administrativeLevel: AdministrativeLevel, var cartographicBoundary: CartographicBoundary? = null, val subAdministrativeUnits: IdentitySet<AdministrativeUnit> = IdentitySet(), val images: MutableSet<Image> = mutableSetOf())
Represents an administrative unit with its properties and relationships.
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The bounding box is the delimited area of something, it could be the map the user is seeing or the square area of a region of a cartographic boundary.
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data class CartographicBoundary(val id: Long = 0, val administrativeUnitName: AdministrativeUnitName, val regions: List<Region>, val boundingBox: BoundingBox, val zIndex: Float, val administrativeLevel: AdministrativeLevel)
Represents a cartographic boundary on a map, typically the outline of an administrative unit.
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Represents the geographic location of a point on a map using a spherical coordinate system.
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Represents a polygon displayed on a map.