Package-level declarations
The class that serves as an interface between the app and the database for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) and retrieval of AdministrativeUnitName data, potentially including related entities.
Implementation of AdministrativeUnitNameDataSource that utilizes Room Database for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on AdministrativeUnitName data. This class also handles the association with GeoLocation and retrieves CartographicBoundary data for existing AdministrativeUnitNames.
The class that serves as an interface between the app and the database for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) and retrieval of CartographicBoundary data, potentially including related entities.
Implementation of CartographicBoundaryDataSource that utilizes Room Database for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on CartographicBoundary data. This class also handles the association with Regions
This abstract class represents a Room database for the Fridgnet application. It provides access to various DAOs (Data Access Objects) for interacting with different database entities.
Implementation of ImageDataSource that utilizes Room Database for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on Image data. This class also handles the association with AdministrativeUnitNames
Use all the information within a AdministrativeUnitNameEntity to build a AdministrativeUnitName object
Converts a AdministrativeUnitNameWithCartographicBoundaries object into a pair containing the corresponding AdministrativeUnitName and a list of its associated CartographicBoundary objects.
Converts the AdministrativeUnitName into its corresponding entity AdministrativeUnitNameEntity using the existing ID from the AdministrativeUnitName object.
Converts the AdministrativeUnitName into its corresponding entity AdministrativeUnitNameEntity with a specified ID.
Converts a list of CartographicBoundaryWithRegions objects to a list of CartographicBoundary objects.
Converts CartographicBoundaryWithRegions object to a CartographicBoundary object.
Converts a CartographicBoundary into the entity object.
Converts a CartographicBoundary into the entity object from a speficic ID.
Converts the GeoLocationEntity into the GeoLocation
Converts a List
Converts a List
Converts the GeoLocation into the GeoLocationEntity with an association to an administrative unit name.
Converts the GeoLocation into the GeoLocationEntity, optionally associating it with an image.
Converts the GeoLocation into the GeoLocationEntity, optionally associating it with an image, and using a provided ID.
Converts ImageWithAdministrativeUnitNameAndGeoLocation object to an Image object.
Converts a ImageWithAdministrativeUnitNameAndGeoLocation into a pair of Image and a AdministrativeUnitName if existent.
Converts Image into Image Entity using the geoLocationID foreign key to associate to a geolocation
Converts a List of ImageWithAdministrativeUnitNameAndGeoLocation objects to a list of Image objects.
Converts a PolygonWithGeoLocations object into a Polygon object
Converts a RegionWithPolygonAndHoles object into a Region object
Converts the Region object to a RegionEntity, specifying the foreign key relationships.
Converts the Region object to a RegionEntity using a specified id for update purposes, and specifying the foreign key relationships.
Updates the subAdminArea property of the current AdministrativeUnitNameEntity to use a new value.