Package-level declarations


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data class AdministrativeUnitNameEntity(val id: Long = 0, val locality: String?, val subAdminArea: String?, val adminArea: String?, val countryName: String?)

The class representation of the entity 'AdministrativeUnitName' from the database. This entity stores information about the names of administrative units (e.g., city, county, state).

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data class CartographicBoundaryEntity(val id: Long = 0, val administrativeUnitNameCartographicBoundariesID: Long, val administrativeLevel: String, var boundingBoxSouthwest: GeoLocationEntity, var boundingBoxNortheast: GeoLocationEntity, val zIndex: Float)

The class representation of the entity 'CartographicBoundary' from the database. This entity stores information about cartographic boundaries associated with administrative units.

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data class GeoLocationEntity(val id: Long = 0, val geoLocationsID: Long? = null, val administrativeUnitNameGeoLocationsID: Long? = null, val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double)

The class representation of the entity 'GeoLocation' from the database. This entity stores the geographic location (latitude and longitude) data.

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data class ImageEntity(val id: Long = 0, val uri: String, val byteArray: ByteArray, val date: Long, val geoLocationID: Long)

The class representation of the entity 'Image' from the database. This entity stores information about an image.

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data class PolygonEntity(val id: Long = 0, val holesID: Long? = null)

The class representation of the entity 'Polygon' from the database. This entity stores information about a polygon

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data class RegionEntity(val id: Long = 0, val regionsID: Long, val polygonID: Long, val active: Boolean, var boundingBoxSouthwest: GeoLocationEntity, var boundingBoxNortheast: GeoLocationEntity, val zIndex: Float)

The class representation of the entity 'Region' from the database. This entity stores information about a geographic region defined by a polygon.